Michael Duhan

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Mike Duhan was born in Limerick City in 1956. He attended the Limerick School of Art from 1972 to 1974. He is now a member of and has a studio at Temple Bar Gallery and Studios Dublin. He began sculpting in 1984 and had his first exhibition in 1986 at Temple Bar Gallery, Dublin. He would describe himself simply as a figurative sculptor working in several mediums including metals, plastics, and ceramics.
He sees his mission as being visually rather than intellectually based. He uses the unchanging naked human figure as metaphor for his take on the unchanging elements of the human condition. He does not seek to be contemporary; his work will not reflect current issues or document anything except his own vision of what it means to be human. For Mike the work an artist does expresses who and what he or she is; not only that, the creative processes involved, both physical and mental, serve as exercises in self-exploration and discovery, helping one know oneself. His art, along with the meanings he weaves into it, should in its finality and totality, define who he is or was.
On a worldwide level art has that same function namely to serve as a diagnostic tool, a civilizing stimulus and diary of mankind’s journey. Art defines us and helps us understand ourselves, our present and past. Our connections to each other and to the world we live in. It allows us to speak to the peoples of the future, it helps to give us vision.

“Art is one of the things that defines us and explains us, it helps distill our humanity and pass on its message.”