Your Guide to Print Exhibitions Around the World
Andy Warhol, ‘Marilyn’, from Revolver Gallery
With the vast amount of artists, exhibitions and events focused on printmaking in Ireland, we tend to keep our eye on the scene at home. For this week’s blog post we’ve cast our net to find the best exhibitions around the world showcasing the medium of print. Ranging from Renaissance to contemporary, and including some icons of printmaking, these exhibitions are some to see for all lovers of print.
Camille Graeser, Bewegter Raum, from Museum Kunstpalast
Düsseldorf, Museum Kunstpalast, ‘Aus der Reihe bewegt’ – The printmaking of Camille Graeser, on now until 26 July
‘Represent abstract thoughts in a sensuous and tangible form’, written by a member of the ‘Zurich Concretists’, perfectly sums up the group’s manifesto on art. The movement they created in ‘Concrete art’ sought to take art away from realism and symbolism, and focus instead solely on line, colour and plane. This can’t be better seen perhaps than in the work of one of the group’s founding members, Camille Graeser. This exhibition at Museum Kunstpalast is a retrospective of Graeser’s over 40 year career making prints. The works, while following the geometric principles laid out in Concrete art, also show Graeser’s playful handling of the elements. ‘Aus der Reihe bewegt’ runs until 26 July, 2015.
Thomas Schütte, ‘Low Tide Wandering’ Installation, from Whitworth Art Gallery
Manchester, Whitworth Art Gallery, ‘Low Tide Wandering’ – Thomas Schütte, on now until 19 July
The Whitworth is already known fort its outstanding collection of prints, so when they put on a solo exhibition one can expect some impressive examples of the medium. ‘Low Tide Wandering’ is a series of 139 etchings by German artist Thomas Schütte, with a unique presentation. Works are suspended above, forcing the audience to move around the space and view art in a new way, with the aim to recreate the artist’s state of mind as he was making the works. There’s still some time to see the show if you hurry, ‘Low Tide Wandering’ is on until 19 July.
Toronto, 77 Bloor St, W, Warhol Revisited, on now until 31 December
One of art’s most famous figures, the name Andy Warhol conjures images of pop art soup cans and celebrity portraits. ‘Warhol Revisited’ is a collection of those iconic works in painting and print, showing now until 31 December. Screen printing was integral to Warhol’s practice, allowing him to reproduce patterns and images for his desired effect, which is most visible in this collection. This exhibition also brings together works from several distinguished museums and collections, for a truly once in a lifetime compilation of Warhol work.
Los Angeles, Getty Research Institute, ‘A Kingdom of Image: French Prints in the age of Louis XIV’, on now until 6 September
A specific time and place have produced an extensive variety of prints that vary in style, subject and scale in ‘A Kingdom of Image’ at the Getty Research Institute. This exhibition features nearly 100 prints from the time period, in an era when French society was flooded with prints promoting culture and art, making Paris the most prominent print producer in Europe. This fine and interesting collection is on display until 6 September.
Domenico del Barbiere, ‘Gloria after Rosso Fiorentino’, from National Gallery of America
Washington D.C., National Gallery of America, ‘Ideas Made Flesh: Italian Renaissance Prints’ on now until October 4
From biblical stories and Greek myths to modern humanist ideas, ‘Ideas Made a Flesh’ explores how print was used to communicate to a larger audience than had previously been imagined. Through the expertise of Italian printmakers, these beautiful and intricate images show the technical advances of the day. To have a collection of works this well made from the period is rare, making this exhibition a truly extraordinary event.