Albert Irvin (1922 – 2015) was a prolific British artist, best known for his exuberant paintings, watercolours, screenprints and gouaches. He was born in London and continued to live and work there throughout his life. His art focusses on capturing and exploring the experience of being in the world.
Selected Solo Exhibitions (Since 1990)
2013 Crosstown Advanced Graphics London
2013 The Complete Prints, Atkinson Gallery, Millfield, Somerset
2012 Albert Irvin at 90, Clifford Chance, London
2012 Fidelio, Gimpel Fils, London
2012 Royal Oak, Advanced Graphics, London
2011 Inextinguishable, Gimpel Fils, London
2011 Albert Irvin, Bohun Gallery, Henley-on-Thames in association with Advanced Graphics London
2010 The Current Prints, Advanced Graphics London
2010 The Complete Prints, Kings Place Gallery in association with Advanced Graphics London
2009 A Retrospective, University Gallery and Baring Wing, Northumbria University
2009 Peintures Récentes, Galerie Gimpel and Müller, Paris Chelsea Arts Club, Gala Exhibition
2008 Recent Paintings, Peppercanister Gallery, Dublin
2008 Six Paintings, Kings Place, London
2008 A Retrospective, Kings Place Gallery, London
2008 The Nebraska Suite, Advanced Graphics London
2008 Albert Irvin, Manton Wing, Tate Britain, London
2006 Recent Paintings, Peppercanister Gallery, Dublin
2006 Urban Journey, Gimpel Fils, London
2005 New Monoprints and Editions, Advanced Graphics London
2004 Midsummer, Gimpel Fils, London
2003 Albert Irvin – Paintings and Prints, Storey Gallery and Peter Scott Gallery, Lancaster
2003 Recent Paintings, Peppercanister Gallery, Dublin
2002 Four Score, Gimpel Fils, London
2002 Prints, Advanced Graphics, London
2002 Malerei, Galerie Stuhler, Berlin
2001 Riverstation, Bristol
2001 Paintings and Prints 1991-2001, West Cork Arts Centre, Ireland
2000 A celebration of twenty years of printmaking, Advanced Graphics, London
1999 Royal West of England Academy, Bristol
1999 Orion Gallery, Brussels
1998 Dean Clough, Halifax
1998 Centre d’Art Contemporain, Meymac
1998 Edwin Scharff Haus, Neu Ulm; Vonderau Museum, Fulda
1998 Galerie Markt, Bruckmuhl
1998 Retrospective Print Exhibition 1980-1998, B206-The Gallery, Advanced Graphics London
1998 Gimpel Fils, London
1997 Cambridge Contemporary Art; Galerie Stuhler, Berlin
1997 Galerie Wassermann, Munich
1996 Atkinson Gallery, Somerset
1996 Oriel Theatre, Clwyd; Gimpel Fils, London
1995 RHA Gallagher Gallery, Dublin
1995 Original Print Gallery, Dublin
1994 Gimpel Fils, London
1994 Powell Moya Partnership, London
1994 Chapter Gallery, Cardiff
1994 Wasserman Galerie, Munich
1994 Woodlands Art Gallery, London
1993 Campo Vlaamse Kaai, Antwerp
1993 Bodilly Gallery, Cambridge
1993 Flowers Graphics, London
1992 Galeria Punto, Valencia, Spain
1992 Galerie Lupke, Frankfurt
1992 Gimpel Fils, London
1991 Peter Scott Gallery, Lancaster University
1991 Playhouse Gallery, Harlow
1991 Flowers East, London
1990 Gimpel Fils, London
1990 Serpentine Gallery, London – toured Spacex Gallery, Exeter and Oriel and Chapter, Cardiff
1990 Castlefield Gallery, Manchester
1990 Gallery Monochrome Brussels